Selçuklu Sempozyumu: Selçuklu Siyasi Tarihi Bilim ve Sanat (Arapça - Farsça Makaleler) / Seljuk Symposium: Seljuk Political History Science and Art (Arabic - Persian Articles)

Özbek Destanları V: Rüstem Han Destanı / Uzbek Epics V: Rustem Han Epic
The most precious works that Uzbek Turks have presented to the common Turkish culture are undoubtedly epics. One of the epics created within the Uzbek tradition of epic, narrated by the epic narrators called "bahşı" and which continues to be told and listened to today, even if partially, is the Rustem Khan Epic. This epic was liked by Uzbek Turks like the epic of Alpamysh and Özbek Köroğlu circle and was published many times. Among these variants, Rüstem Han Epic, compiled by Fazıl Yoldaşoğlu, who is one of the well-known representatives of Bulungur epic school is accepted as the most perfect variant.

Kazakların Yaşam Estetiği / Life Aesthetics of Kazakhs

Özbek Türkçesi Grameri /Uzbek Turkish Grammer
The work examines the structure of Uzbek Turkish, which has been spoken by more than 20 million people outside Uzbekistan and Uzbekistan, as a continuation of the Chagatay language since 1925, materials obtained from the scanning of novels, stories, and poetry books written in Uzbek Turkish were used. The work consists of three main parts: "Sound", "Form" and "Sentence Information". A few examples of Uzbek texts written in Latin and Cyrillic letters are given under the title of "Texts". Sources are given at the end of the work.