This dictionary, which we have presented to the scientific world under the name of the Afghanistan Uzbek Dictionary, is the first dictionary of Northern Afghanistan Uzbek Turkish. Scientific studies on Uzbek Turkish, which is used by more than 1.5 million Uzbek Turks in Northern Afghanistan, were started by Gunnar Yarring in the first half of the 20th century (Uzbek Texts From Afghan Turkestan, Lund 1938), but were later neglected. Although the forms of Uzbek Turkish spoken in Uzbekistan, which is included in the Southeastern group of the Turkish Language, have been well researched - both in terms of standards and dialects - it has been stated by some Turcologists that not much has been done about the Northern Afghanistan Uzbek Turkish. For example, Boeschoten states that a lot can be gained from the discussions on Uzbek Dialects by including the dialects of Northern Afghanistan, which have been completely neglected in Uzbek Dialect science research (The Turkic Languages 1998: 378). Although this study, which we think may make a small contribution to filling the gap in this subject, is mainly based on the Uzbek language of Seripul vilahata, it can also represent the other dialects of Uzbek Turkish in Northern Afghanistan. Moreover, during the processing of some head words, the figures in other dialects were also pointed out.
In this long-lasting study, M. Asif Yoldaş, one of the authors of this book whose native language is Seripul Uzbek, started by blacking out the words he could remember, and then when these slips were constantly expanded and kept quite a lot, the work named Uzbek English Dictionary (Waterson 1980) was reviewed and new words were added to the work. has been. In the preparation of the dictionary, Borovkov's dictionary (Uzbeksko-russkiy slovar ', Moscow 1959) has also been one of the books that are frequently used - especially for the clarification of the words hesitating in its meaning.
Place names and names of boys and girls are added at the end of the dictionary.
Although this study was made with the thought that it could be beneficial for Turkish Language researchers, we believe that it can also be useful for those who want to learn Uzbek Turkish.
As it is the first experience in Turkey, there might be a number of errors in dictionary. The authors are already grateful for the constructive criticism to be made regarding the elimination of issues overlooked in later editions of the dictionary.