Book Gallery

Kazak Atasözleri / Kazakh Proverbs

Kazak Atasözleri / Kazakh Proverbs

Author(s) : Uğur Gürsu

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2017

Language : Turkish,Kazakh

Genre : Folklore,Folk-literature

ISBN : 9789751633309

Türkiye’deki Afgan Kazakları Ağzı / Afghan Kazakh Dialect in Turkey

Türkiye’deki Afgan Kazakları Ağzı / Afghan Kazakh Dialect in Turkey

Author(s) : Nergis Biray,Prof. Dr. Metin Karaörs,Doç. Dr. Timur Kocaoğlu

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2009

Language : Turkish

Genre : Dialectology

ISBN : 9751621252

Content : “Giriş”, “ İnceleme (Ses Bilgisi ve Şekil Bilgisi)", “Sonuç”, “Metinler” ve “Sözlük”

Summary :

The main purpose of the work is to determine the dialect characteristics of the Kazakh Turks, who belong to the minority who were settled in the city of Kayseri in 1982 after they fled to Afghanistan from Kazakhstan and lived there for 50-52 years due to reasons such as Russian cruelty and famine in 1932-33. In the short "Introduction" section, summary information about the history, geographical, economic, social, etc. features of the community is included. In addition, the phonetic and morphological features of the mouth are discussed in detail in the "examination" part. Following the "Conclusion" section created based on these, 44 texts are included in the "Texts" section, which is the source of the study, and the following "Dictionary" section includes the common language equivalents of many local words and usage throughout the book.

Danabaş Köyü /Danabaş Village

Danabaş Köyü /Danabaş Village

Author(s) : Celil Memmedguluzade,Aysun Demirez Güneri (Trans.)

Publication Place : Bengü Yayınları

Publication Year : 2009

Language : Turkish

Genre : Literature

ISBN : 3990000032225

Summary :

One of the best examples of which can be selected to be recognized best of Azerbaijani literature Celil Mehmedguluzade.

Celil Mammadguluzade combined the rich Azerbaijani folklore with the modern story, creating an influence that continues to this day on the writers who came after him. His most notable achievement in storytelling was that he found and used a "new story language" from a legacy tradition, most of which was passed down as a stereotype. With this feature, Celil Memmedguluzade should be remembered as a writer with style.

The writer, under the influence of the general developments of the time he lived, adopted a more social realist story understanding, and explained the environment and human characters with a successful humor. Social satire prevails in almost all of his stories, in all their realism. In this respect, his stories are almost a minute for Azerbaijan of that day. Traditional value judgments with time, environment and human relations are given as in these stories. A neutral realism has replaced the dominant hyperbole in oriental narrative. For this reason, Celil Memmedguluzade is among the founders of Azerbaijani realist narrative.

Urdu-Türkçe Türkçe-Urdu Sözlük / Urdu-Turkish Turkish-Urdu Dictionary

Urdu-Türkçe Türkçe-Urdu Sözlük / Urdu-Turkish Turkish-Urdu Dictionary

Author(s) : Ahmet Bahtiyar Eşref,Celal Soydan (Ed.),Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özkan,Prof. Dr. Korhan Kaya

Publication Place : Istanbul

Publication Year : 2012

Language : Turkish,Urdu

Genre : Dictionary

ISBN : 9789751625205

Summary :

All kinds of vocabulary specific to the Urdu language such as idioms, terms, proverbs, and compound verb structures are included in this work, which is prepared to meet the needs of students studying in Urdu language departments at many universities in our country, educators who teach in this field, and researchers who work in this field. For the correct pronunciation of the words, the translation alphabet is given at the beginning of the dictionary. Because of foreign words that have entered the Urdu language, Turkish transcription is added to each word. In addition to the languages to which the words belong, grammatical features like masculine, feminine, plural, adjective, noun, verb, etc. are also specified.

4. Türkiye-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu 24 Eylül 2005 / 4th Turkey-Iran Relations Symposium September 24, 2005

4. Türkiye-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu 24 Eylül 2005 / 4th Turkey-Iran Relations Symposium September 24, 2005

Author(s) : Türk Tarih Kurumu

Publication Place : Istanbul

Publication Year : 2018

Language : Turkish

Genre : History

ISBN : 9789751620989

Content : Hüseyin Bağcı-Bayram Sinkaya - Türkiye-îran İlişkileri: Güvenlik Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme, Anıl Çeçen -Türkiye'nin B Planı: Merkezi Devlet Birliği (MEDEB), Mohsen Modirşaneçi - Globalizmle İki Farklı Şekilde Karşılaşan İran ve Türkiye Toplumları, Ahmed Naghibzade - Milli Kimlik: Küreselleşme Sürecinde İran ve Türkiye, Bayram Sinkaya - Türkiye-îran İlişkilerinde Çatışma Noktaları ve Analizi, Hasan Onat - Küreselleşme ve Mezhepler Üstü Düşünmek, Ali Ekber Kajbaf - İran ve Türkiye İlişkilerinde Kavmiyet ve Küreselleşme, Daryuş Rahmaniyan - Küreselleşme ve Tarih