Turkmen Turkish, which is used as the official state language of Turkmens living in the Republic of Turkmenistan, has been examined in terms of written language, sound, and form. The book consists of two main sections, "Introduction" and "Analysis". In the "Introduction" section, Turkmens, Turkmen Turkish, and alphabet are briefly discussed. The "Analysis" section is the main part of the book and includes two main sections, namely "Phonology" and "Morphology" in Turkmen Turkish. Under the title of Phonetics, vowels (short and long vowels) and consonants used in Turkmen Turkish are classified and their typical features are shown with examples. Under the title of General Sound Structure, the phonetic characteristics of Turkmen Turkish, phonetic changes, and phonetic events in Turkmen Turkish were evaluated. In the Morphology section, word structure and affixes used in word making are emphasized. In terms of word types, meaningful words such as noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, verb respectively, and assigned words such as preposition, conjunction, and exclamation were examined.