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Türkiye'de Yükseköğretimin Uluslararasılaşma Endeksi /Internationalization of Higher Education in Turkey Index

Türkiye'de Yükseköğretimin Uluslararasılaşma Endeksi /Internationalization of Higher Education in Turkey Index

Author(s) : M. Akif Kireçci,Hasan Bacanlı,Yavuz Erişen,Engin Karadağ,Nadir Çeliköz,Mehmet Ali Dombaycı,Metin Toprak,Mehmet Şahin

Publication Place : Efe Akademi

Publication Year : 2020

Language : Turkish

Genre : Education

ISBN : 9786257957915

Content : "Giriş" "Projenin gerçekleştirme süreleri" "Toplantı raporları" " Çalıştay raporları" "Yüksekğretimde Uluslararasılaşma" "Türkiye'de yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşması" " Dünyada yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşması örnekleri" "Ölçek geliştirilmesive alan araştırılması" "Endekslemeye eas veri toplama araçlarının geliştirilmesi raporu" " Yükseköğretimin uluslararasılaşması endeksi gösterge seti ve puanlama"

Summary :

While universities are trying to become more integrated with the world, they aim to contribute through both the science they produce and the international mobility they provide. Internationalization Index, higher education institutions of the universities in Turkey, chapter and a list of different categories in terms of evaluating various indicators such as the area where the city has made possible the creation. This Index also has the potential to be used by universities in neighboring regions as an internationalization standard.

Türk Lenguafolkloristiğine Giriş / Introduction to Turkish Lenguafolchloristics

Türk Lenguafolkloristiğine Giriş / Introduction to Turkish Lenguafolchloristics

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Kamil Veli Nerimanoğlu

Publication Place : Istanbul

Publication Year : 2018

Language : Turkish

Genre : Linguistics,Folklore

ISBN : 978-975-2438-26-2

Content : “Türk Lenguafolkloristiği”, “Halkbilimi” “Mit Üzerine” “Sonuç”

Physical Description : 356 pages

Summary :

The rich literary-aesthetic features of Turkish Folk Literature are explored in the book by focusing on the problems of modern philology. Revealing the secret codes of Turkish and analyzing important categories of Turkish folklore poetics constitute the aim and main content of the book. The book is useful for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of the Faculties of Arts and Sciences (Turkish Language and Literature Department) and Education Faculties, as well as for readers who are interested in Contemporary Philology research.

Kırgız Destanları XII: Seyitbek / Kyrgyz Epics XII: Seyitbek

Kırgız Destanları XII: Seyitbek / Kyrgyz Epics XII: Seyitbek

Author(s) : Murat Mukasov (Ed.),Ulanbek Alimov (Trans.),Dr. Kıyal Kamçibekova,Oruzbey Urmambetov

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2013

Language : Turkish,Kyrgyz

Genre : Folk-literature,Epic

ISBN : 9789751625731

Content : “Giriş” “Metin” “Sözlük” “Dizin”

Summary :

“Kyrgyz Epics 12” is the 51st of the works under the “Detection of Turkish World Epic, Transferring to Turkey Turkish and Publishing Project" headed by Prof. Dr. Fikret Türkmen. The work titled “Kyrgyz Epics 12 Seyitbek” includes the Seyitbek epic, which is a continuation of the Kurmanbek epic. The "Introduction" part of the work consists of two parts. In the first chapter, information about the narrator of the epic is given and the similarities and differences between its copies are mentioned. The second part consists of a short summary of the epic. In the text part of the work, the original text of the Seyitbek epic, the translated text, and its translation into Turkish are given. The last part of the work is devoted to the dictionary and index.

Kazakistan Tarihi (Makaleler) / Kazakhistan History (Essays)

Kazakistan Tarihi (Makaleler) / Kazakhistan History (Essays)

Author(s) : Türk Tarih Kurumu

Publication Place : Istanbul

Publication Year : 2018

Language : Turkish

ISBN : 9789751619969

Content : “Önsöz”, “Yeni Hayatin Mürebbiyesi”, “Eski Dönemde Kazakistan”, “Vi-Xviii. Yüzyillarda Kazakistan'in Ortaçağ Şehirleri Ve Yerleşimleri”, “Kazakistan Topraklarindaki Büyük İpek Yolu”, “Moğol İstilasi Zamaninda Kazakistan”, “Kazak Halkinin Etnik Yapisi”, “"Kazak" Terimi Hakkinda”, “Kazak Devleti'nin Oluşumu”, “Kazaklarin Cungar Saldirilarina Karşi Kurtuluş Savaşi”, “Rus İmparatorluğu Yönetiminde Kazakistan”, “Kazakistan'da İslamiyet'in Rolü”, “Kazak Halkinin Rus Sömürgeciliğine Karşi Ulusal Kurtuluş Mücadelesi”, “Kazakistan'da Rus Ve Yabanci Sermaye”, “Kazakistan'in Toplumsal Hayatinda Alaş Partisi'nin Yeri Ve Rolü”, “Kişla Sosyalizmi Döneminde Kazakistan”,“Aralik Vakasi (1986, Almaata)”, “Kazakistan'in Xx. Yüzyildaki Demografik Gelişimi”, “Kazakistan'da Günümüzdeki Etnik Süreçler”, “Uluslararasi Topluluklarda Kazakistan”, “Dizin”

Physical Description : 228 pages

Kırgız-Moğol İlişkileri (IX-XV. Yüzyıllar) / Kyrgyz-Mongolian Relations (IX-XV. Centuries)

Kırgız-Moğol İlişkileri (IX-XV. Yüzyıllar) / Kyrgyz-Mongolian Relations (IX-XV. Centuries)

Author(s) : Abdrasul İSAKOV

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2017

Language : Turkish

Genre : History

ISBN : 9789751633736

Physical Description : 327 pages