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Kazak Destanları VII / Kazakh Epics VII

Kazak Destanları VII / Kazakh Epics VII

Author(s) : Seyitbek Sakenov,Karasaş Alpisbayeva,Jakan Düysengül (ed.),Prof. Dr. Alimcan İnayet

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2010

Language : Turkish,Kazakh

Genre : Folk-literature,Epic

ISBN : 9789751622679

Content : “Introduction” “Alankay Batır” “Manas Ulı Tuyakbay” “Oljabay Jene Kırık Batır” “Bozaman”

Summary :

"Kazakh Epics 7” is the 38th of the works under the “Detection of Turkish World Epic, Transferring to Turkey Turkish and Publishing Project" headed by Prof. Dr. Fikret Türkmen. In this work named "Kazak Epics 7", there are four epics: Alankay Batır saga, Manas Ulı Tuyakbay saga, Oljabay Jene Kırık Batır saga, and Bozaman saga. Among these epics, only the epic of Bozaman deals with the subject of love, Manas Ulı Tuyakbay and Oljabay Jene Kırık Batır with the subject of heroism, and the legend of Alankay Batır with the subject of both heroism and love. Author's Preamble followed by a summary of the epic saga of the transcribed texts and the text transferred to Turkish were presented to the reader.

Anar'ın Dünyası / Anar's World

Anar'ın Dünyası / Anar's World

Author(s) : Aysun Demirez Güneri (Trans.),Pervin

Publication Place : Ankara,Bengü Yayınları

Publication Year : 2016

Language : Turkish

Genre : Literature

ISBN : 9786059148368

Summary :

Azerbaijan, which is the size of a violet leaf on the world map, has lived through complex and sorrowful periods, stages and years in the 20th century, but the heart of the violet-leafed earth is fragmented, although the blood spilled by the invading armies is still not wiped, people, heroes and geniuses It has become power.

The World of Anar is a precious book devoted to the creativity of Anar, to its prose, if I can openly state it, in recent years. Pervin approaches, values ​​and evaluates all of his works from the first stories of Anar to his last work, Eye Bead, with the social criticism of the 21st century.

Pervin included his articles about Resul Rıza, Nigar Refibeyli, Enver Mammedhanlı, which he wrote about Anar, in the book he longed for Anar.
With this work, the Turkish reader will have the opportunity to get to know Anar, who is undoubtedly one of the most important figures of the last period of Azerbaijani history.

Osmanlı-İran Hudut Sorunları (1847-1913) / Ottoman-Iranian Border Problems (1847-1913)

Osmanlı-İran Hudut Sorunları (1847-1913) / Ottoman-Iranian Border Problems (1847-1913)

Author(s) : Melike SARIKÇIOĞLU

Publication Year : 2013

Language : Turkish

Genre : History

ISBN : 9789751626530

Content : “kısaltmalar”, “önsöz”, “giriş”, “1847'ye Kadar Osmanlı-İran Sınır İlişkileri”, “I. Bölüm: 1913 İstanbul Protokolü Öncesi Osmanlı-İran Sınır Sorunları”, “II. Bölüm: 1913 İstanbul Protokolü Öncesi Osmanlı-İran Hudut Komisyonları”, “III. Bölüm: İhtilaflı Yerler ve İstanbul Görüşmeleri”, “IV. Bölüm: 1913 İstanbul Protokolü”, “Sonuç”, “Bibliyografya”, “Dizin”, “Ekler”

Physical Description : 268 pages

6. Türkiye-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu / 6th Turkey-Iran Relations Symposium

6. Türkiye-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu / 6th Turkey-Iran Relations Symposium

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Hicabi Kırlangıç,Şerife Yerdemir

Publication Year : 2015

Language : Turkish,Persian

Genre : History

ISBN : 9789751630827

Kazak Destanları VI / Kazakh Epics VI

Kazak Destanları VI / Kazakh Epics VI

Author(s) : Seyitbek Sakenov,Pakizat Avespayeva (Ed.),Prof. Dr. İsmet Çetin

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2009

Language : Turkish,Kazakh

Genre : Folk-literature,Epic

ISBN : 9751621207

Summary :

"Kazakh Epics 6” is the 30th of the works under the “Detection of Turkish World Epic, Transferring to Turkey Turkish and Publishing Project" headed by Prof. Dr. Fikret Türkmen In this work named “Kazakh Epics 6” there are epics of Mırkı Batır, Nurgayşa and Akbiykeş-Karabala. In this work, the transcribed text of epics and the text transferred to Turkish are given mutually. At the head of the Nurgayşa and Akbiyeş-Karabala epics, there are short introductory articles prepared by Pakizat Avesbayeva. In addition, at the end of all three epics, there is an index of special names in the epic.