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Azərbaycan Dialektoloji Lüğəti II (M-Z) / Azerbaijan Dialektology Dictionary II (M-Z)

Azərbaycan Dialektoloji Lüğəti II (M-Z) / Azerbaijan Dialektology Dictionary II (M-Z)

Author(s) : Sefi Behbutov (ed.),Prof. Dr. Mehman Musaoğlu

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2003

Language : Azerbaijani Turkish

Genre : Dialectology,Dictionary

ISBN : 9789751682802

Summary :

In this volume of the Azerbaijani Dialect Dictionary, words that are not covered in literary language have been used and those words express completely different meanings in dialects although they are used in the literary language. Azerbaijan Dialectological Dictionary plays an important role in learning the history, historical vocabulary, and culture of Azerbaijani Turkish, enriching vocabulary and preparing historical and etymological dictionaries of other Turkish dialects.

Tarihten Günümüze Türk-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu (16-17 Aralık 2002) / Symposium on Turkish-Iranian Relations From Past to Present (16-17 December 2002)

Tarihten Günümüze Türk-İran İlişkileri Sempozyumu (16-17 Aralık 2002) / Symposium on Turkish-Iranian Relations From Past to Present (16-17 December 2002)

Author(s) : Türk Tarih Kurumu

Publication Year : 2002

Language : Turkish

Genre : History

ISBN : 9751616808

Content : “Türk Tarih Kurumu Başkanı Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoğlu'nun Konuşması”, “Kültür ve İslâmî İlişkiler Kurumu Araştırma ve Öğretim Yardımcısı Dr. Seyyid Abbas Nebevî'nin Konuşması”, “Erdoğan Mercii, Sultan Tuğrul Bey Zamanında Iran”, “Attâullah-i Hasanî, İranlı Tarihçilere Göre Osmanlı İran İlişkilerindeki Krizin Nedenleri (985/1049/1577-1639)”, “Feridun Emecen, Osmanlı Devleti'nin "Şark Meselesi"nin Ortaya Çıkışı İlk Münasebetler ve İç Yansımaları”, “Mehmet İpşirli, Osmanlı Vekayinâmelerinde İran (XVI-XVTI. Asırlar)”, “İsmail Aka, Anadolu'dan İran'a Göçler”, “Muhammed Takî İmâmî-yi Hoyî, Moğol İlhanlıları Zamanında Anadolu'da İran Kültür ve Medeniyetinin Nüfuzu”, “Mehrengiz-i Mezahirî,IX-XI. (XV.-XVII.) Yüzyıllarda İran-Türkiye Arasındaki Kültürel İlişkiler”, “Rızâ Şabânî, Efşariye ve Zendiye Döneminde (H. 1135-1210/M. 1723-1796) İran-Osmanlı İlişkileri”, “Hadi Vekili, 1920-1940 Yıllarında Ortadoğu'daki Kültürel Söylemler”, “Mürsel Öztürk, Farsça'nın Türk Kültüründeki Yeri”, “Abdu'r-Resûl Hayrendîş, İran Hamâselerinin Horasan'dan Anadolu Sınırlarına İntikâli ve Tema Bakımından Gelişimi”, “Esin Kahya, Teşrih-i Ebdan Adlı Eser ve Değerlendirilmesi”, “Yusuf Sarınay, Türk-İran İlişkilerinin Arşiv Kaynakları”, “Levhalar”

Türk Dillerinde Akrabalık Adları / Kinship Names in Turkish Languages

Türk Dillerinde Akrabalık Adları / Kinship Names in Turkish Languages

Author(s) : Yong-Sŏng Li

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2019

Language : Turkish

Genre : Dictionary,Folk-literature

ISBN : 978-975-17-4223-0

Content : “Akraba Anlamındaki Terimler”, “Akrabalık Terimleri” ve “Sonuç”

Physical Description : 576 pages

Summary :

In this study, words describing kinship based on blood and marriage were discussed. The work has been shaped by revising every language that has a written or spoken language, from the oldest sources to today's sources.

Kırgız Türkçesinde Tasvir Fiilleri / Depiction Verbs in Kyrgyz Turkish

Kırgız Türkçesinde Tasvir Fiilleri / Depiction Verbs in Kyrgyz Turkish

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Gürer Gülsevin,Ali Tan,Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öner

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2010

Language : Turkish,Kyrgyz

Genre : Grammer,Linguistics

ISBN : 9789751623065

Content : “giriş”, “inceleme”, “değerlendirme” ve “sonuç”

Summary :

In the work, Cengiz Aytmatov's Qiyamat; Tügölbay Sıdıkbekov's Kök Asaba; Kara Shumkar of Sardarbek Rıskulov; Sıngan Sword of Tölögön Kasımbekov; The works of Aşım Cakıpbek named Teňiri Manas were examined. In the introduction, first, general information about the compound verbs is given, and the information contained in the term dictionaries and grammar books about the descriptive verbs in Turkey Turkish and Kyrgyz Turkish is listed in detail. Usages of the verbs of description in Old Turkish, Middle Turkish (Karahanlı-Kıpçak-Harezm-Old Anatolian Turkish), and Chagatay Turkish are given. In the evaluation and conclusion part, the information obtained as a result of the study is listed in tables.

Irak Türkmen Türkçesi / Iraqi Turkmen Turkish

Irak Türkmen Türkçesi / Iraqi Turkmen Turkish

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Hamza Zülfikar,Hidayet Kemal Bayatli (Ed.),Prof. Dr. Kemal Eraslan

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 1996

Language : Turkish,Turkmen

Genre : Dialectology,Linguistics

ISBN : 9789751666406

Content : “Giriş” “Metinler” “Dil Bilgisi” “Dizin” ve “Kaynakça”

Summary :

The work examines the dialects of Iraqi Turkmen and compares the written and spoken language. Thus, it was understood that there were some differences between the dialect used in the region and the written language. In this study, the dialect features of Kirkuk and Kifrî regions are handled and examined. For this purpose, firstly, the history of Iraqi Turkmen is given in the "Introduction" section. Then comes the "Texts" section, which includes folk poems, lullabies, and idioms that are the source of the study. In addition, the "Grammar" section, which covers the phonology and morphology of the dialect in question, has an important place as the largest section in the study, while the "Index" and "Bibliography" parts are also facilitating the reader.