Türkiye Türkçesinin Dünü ve Bugünü / Past and Present of Turkish
Author(s) : György Hazai,Tevfik Turan (Trans.),Prof. Dr. Nevzat Gözaydin,Prof. Dr. Nurettin Demir
Publication Place : Ankara
Publication Year : 2012
Language : Turkish
Genre : Dialectology,Linguistics
ISBN : 9789751625113
Content : “Türk Dilinin Tarihi”, “Türk Dilinin Bugünü”, “Diyalektoloji”, “Bibliyografya” ve “Ek”
Summary :
The study consists of five parts; It has a comprehensive content such as History of Turkish Language, Today of Turkish Language, Dialectology, Bibliography, and Appendix. Dialect, tongue historic issues, research, language reform in this book, which like Turkey to examine the Turkish the historical and current many issues, the field of large and place the source text is also important in terms of being very versatile bibliography position.