Book Gallery

İran Moğolları (Siyaset, İdare ve Kültür İlhanlılar Devri, 1220-1350) / Iranian Mongols (Politics, Administration and Culture, Ilkhanians Period, 1220-1350)

İran Moğolları (Siyaset, İdare ve Kültür İlhanlılar Devri, 1220-1350) / Iranian Mongols (Politics, Administration and Culture, Ilkhanians Period, 1220-1350)

Author(s) : Bertold SPULER,Cemal KÖPRÜLÜ

Publication Year : 2011

Language : Turkish

Genre : History,Politics,Culture

ISBN : 9789751624567

Content : “Türkçe Baski İçin Önsöz”, “İran Araştirmalari İçin Önsöz”, “Önsöz”, “Giriş”, “Transkrpsiyon Hakkında”, “Kaynaklar Hakkında Hülasa”, “Siyasal Tarih”, “İran-Moğol Hakimiyeti Altinda Veya Yaninda Yaşiyan Devletlerin Tarihi Hakinda Özet”, “Moğollarda Din Münasebetleri”, “İlhanlar Arasindaki Dini Münasebetler”, “Moğollarin Dinlerle Münasebetleri”, “Hükümdarlarin Siyasî Hukuk Bakimindan Vaziyetleri”, “İran İle Yan-Memleketlerin İdaresi”, “Vergiler”, “Eyâlet İdaresi”, “Elçilik”, “Hukuk”, “Askeri Teşkilat”, “Umumî Tesisler Ve Günlük Hayat”, “Genel İndeks”, “Düzeltmeler Ve Ekler”

Physical Description : 574 pages

Atatürk ve Afganistan / Ataturk and Afghanistan

Atatürk ve Afganistan / Ataturk and Afghanistan

Author(s) : Bilâl N. ŞİMŞİR

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 2019

Language : Turkish

Genre : History

ISBN : 978-975-16-3634-8

Content : “Tarihçeli Giriş”, “Mustafa Kemal Ve Amanullah Han(1919-1929)”, “Mustafa Kemal Ve Muhammed Nadir Şah (1929-1933)”, “Kemal Atatürk Ve Muhammed Zahir Şah (1933-1938)”, “Atatürk’ün Son Yilinda Türk-Afgan İlişkileri Ve Yeni Döneme Geçiş (1938-1939)”, “Bitirirken”, “Kaynakça”, “Dizin”, “Ekler”

Physical Description : 448 pages

Azerbaycan Bayatıları / Azerbaijan Bayatis

Azerbaycan Bayatıları / Azerbaijan Bayatis

Author(s) : Günay Karaağaç,Halil Açikgöz (Ed.),Prof. Dr. Halil Ersoylu,Prof. Dr. Şükrü Halûk Akalın

Publication Place : Ankara

Publication Year : 1998

Language : Azerbaijani Turkish,Turkish

Genre : Folklore,Folk-literature

ISBN : 9789751670601

Content : “Giriş”, “Kaynaklar ve Kısaltmalar”, “Nüsha Farkları” ve “Sözlük”

Summary :

Anonymous literary works based on quatrain and pun, such as bayati, mâni, which are of little interest to literary historians, have been the most intense carriers of Turkish feelings and thoughts since the beginning of Turkish literature. Singing bayati is a tradition of Azerbaijani Turks. In this study, there are 6374 bayats collected from North and South Azerbaijan.

İRAN – Sosyal Yapı ve Siyasi Sistem / IRAN - Social Structure and Political System

İRAN – Sosyal Yapı ve Siyasi Sistem / IRAN - Social Structure and Political System

Author(s) : Hasan Emir Aktaş

Publication Place : Nobel Yayıncılık

Publication Year : 2020

Language : Turkish

Genre : Politics,Social Sciences

ISBN : 978-625-7932-28-8

Physical Description : 232 pages

Summary :

Iran attracts attention especially with its assertive role in the Middle East and its interventionist mission in the Shiite world and occupies a large place in the world agenda. In fact, it would not be a wrong approach to consider Iran's appearance in the outside world and in the international arena as the tip of the iceberg.
How was this theocratic Shi'ite state established as a result of a process, and which social and political dynamics has it shaped around? On what ideological foundations are the political views and strategic goals of this one Shia state in the modern world? How have the major breaks, internal events and external developments in the historical process affected the structure of the current Iranian state and political society?
In this book, the social structure and political system of Iran is tried to be analyzed from the past to the present with a multi-faceted perspective and with a balanced and scientific perspective as much as possible.

Türkçe Öğretimi: Ögelerin Sıralanışına Göre Cümle Türlerinin Graf Çizimleri / Teaching Turkish: Graph Drawings of Sentence Types According to the Order of Items

Türkçe Öğretimi: Ögelerin Sıralanışına Göre Cümle Türlerinin Graf Çizimleri / Teaching Turkish: Graph Drawings of Sentence Types According to the Order of Items

Author(s) : Doç. Dr. Filiz Mete,İpek Ceylan

Publication Place : Ankara,Nobel Yayıncılık

Publication Year : 2019

Language : Turkish

Genre : Linguistics

ISBN : 978-605-7846-31-0

Content : "Önsöz" " Kısaltmalar" "Şekillerin Listesi" " Tablolar Listesi" " Bölüm 1" " Bölüm2" "Bölüm3" "Bölüm4" " Bölüm5" " Kaynaklar"

Summary :

This book is based on the idea that Turkish has a mathematical structure, that sentence constructions can be demonstrated with graph theory, and education can be concretized by graph theory.