Türkiye Türkçesi ve Özbek Türkçesinin Söz Dizimi Bakımından Karşılaştırılması / Syntax Comparison of Uzbek and Turkish
Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bican Ercilasun,Prof. Dr. Hamza Zülfikar,Doç. Dr. Ertuğrul Yaman
Publication Place : Ankara
Publication Year : 2000
Language : Turkish,Uzbek
Genre : Dialectology,Linguistics
ISBN : 9789751674203
Content : “Giriş”, “Kelime Grupları”, “Cümle”
Summary :
This work consists of three parts. Turkey Turkish and Uzbek Turkish Comparison of the issues discussed in Terms of Syntax. In the introduction, the root unity of the Turkish language and its dialects, Turkey Turkish’s involvement of the Uzbek language, terms, and approaches related to syntax and word groups were main topics. In the first chapter titled Word Groups, the existing information about the definition of the concept and the methods of analyzing the word groups were mentioned, and then the word groups such as noun phrase, adjective clause, adjective-verb group, adverb-verb group, the noun-verb group were compared in the mentioned languages. In the second chapter, where the sentence is dealt with, after the concept of the sentence and the classification of the sentence, the sentences are compared in terms of their elements (subject, predicate…) and types (simple, compound, noun, verb, regular, inverse, positive, negative…).